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Environment Messages


this message contains 3 property:

  • agent_type: Indicates the type of the connected agent whether it is player, coach, or trainer. The value can be PlayerT, CoachT, and TrainerT that shows.
  • world_model: contains the information of the field environment that the agent recevied from the RCSSServer and parsed by the helios-base. More information is provided in the WorldModel section.
  • full_world_model: contains the information of the field environment that the agent recevied from the RCSSServer and parsed by the helios-base. More information is provided in the WorldModel section.

the difference between world_model and the full_world_model is that the full_world_model contains the information of all the objects in the field, while the world_model contains the information of the objects that are in the agent's view. Note that the world_model information is noisy and may not be accurate while the full_world_model is accurate.

In the defualt config of the RCSSServer, the agent only recieves the world_model information; however, by changing the config file, the agent can recieve the full_world_model information too. Although the agent revieves the full_world_model information, the full state data will be stored in the world_model property. To recieve both world_model and full_world_model information, the agent should change the player.conf file in the proxy base.

TODO the property of the player.conf for recieving the full_world_model


The WorldModel type contains the following information:

  • intercept_table: Contains the data of the important players that can intercept the ball.In here we explain more about this data.
  • our_team_name: The name of the team that the agent is playing for.
  • their_team_name: The name of the opponent team.
  • our_side: The side of the field that the agent is playing for. The value can be LEFT, RIGHT, or UNKNOWN.
  • last_set_play_start_time: The time that the last set play (Game Type) started.
  • self: The information of the agent itself, such as the uniform number, the position, the velocity, etc. In the Self section, we explain more about this data.
  • ball: The information of the ball, such as the position, the velocity, etc. In the Ball section, we explain more about this data.
  • teammates*: This property is a list of the Players that contains the information of the teammates. In the Player section, we explain more about this data.
  • opponents*: This property is a list of the Players that contains the information of the opponents. In the Player section, we explain more about this data.
  • unknowns: This property is a list of the Players that contains the information of the unknown players. Unknown players are the ones that the agent did not receive any information about the uniform number and the side of them. In the Player section, we explain more about this data.
  • our_players_dict*: This property is a dictionary that contains the information of the teammates. The key of the dictionary is the uniform number of the player. Note that if the agent does not have any data about a player, the player will not be in the dictionary (check for the null). In the Player section, we explain more about this data.
  • their_players_dict*: This property is a dictionary that contains the information of the opponents. The key of the dictionary is the uniform number of the player. Note that if the agent does not have any data about a player, the player will not be in the dictionary (check for the null). In the Player section, we explain more about this data.
  • our_goalie_uniform_number: The uniform number of the goalie of the agent's team.
  • their_goalie_uniform_number: The uniform number of the goalie of the opponent's team.
  • offside_line_x: The x position of the offside line.
  • ofside_line_x_count: The number of cycles that passed of the offside line calculation.
  • kickable_teammate_id: The uniform number of the teammate that the agent can kick the ball to.
  • kickable_opponent_id: The uniform number of the opponent that the agent can kick the ball to.
  • last_kick_side: The side that the last kick was done. The value can be LEFT, RIGHT, or UNKNOWN.
  • last_kicker_uniform_number: The uniform number of the player that kicked the ball last time.
  • cycle: The current cycle of the game.
  • stoped_cycle: The cycle that the game stopped. The stopped cycle increase when the game cycle is not updated. This happens when the games stops for some game modes.
  • game_mode_type: The current mode of the game. This value can be PlayOn, BeforeKickOff, etc. We will explain more about this in the GameModeType section.
  • left_team_score: The score of the left team.
  • right_team_score: The score of the right team.
  • is_our_set_play: Indicates whether the agent's team is in the set play mode. It means if the agent's team should kick the ball for the current game mode.
  • is_their_set_play: Indicates whether the opponent's team is in the set play mode. It means if the opponent's team should kick the ball for the current game mode.
  • our_team_score: The score of the agent's team.
  • their_team_score: The score of the opponent's team.
  • is_penalty_kick_mode: Indicates whether the game is in the penalty kick mode.
  • helios_home_positions: The position of the players based on the defined formations in the src/formtaions-dt directory. The position of the players is calculated based on the position of the ball and the formation of the team. This position is calculated by the base and is stored in this dictionary. The key of the dictionary is the uniform number of the player and the value is the position of the player.



The InterceptTable type contains the following information:

  • self_reach_steps: The number of cycles that the agent can reach the ball.
  • first_teammate_reach_steps: The number of cycles that the first teammate can reach the ball. Note that the agent is not considered as a teammate.
  • second_teammate_reach_steps: The number of cycles that the second teammate can reach the ball. Note that the agent is not considered as a teammate.
  • first_opponent_reach_steps: The number of cycles that the first opponent can reach the ball.
  • second_opponent_reach_steps: The number of cycles that the second opponent can reach the ball.
  • first_teammate_id: The uniform number of the first teammate that can intercept the ball.
  • second_teammate_id: The uniform number of the second teammate that can intercept the ball.
  • first_opponent_id: The uniform number of the first opponent that can intercept the ball.
  • second_opponent_id: The uniform number of the second opponent that can intercept the ball.
  • self_intercept_info: TODO?!


The Self type contains the following information:

  • position: The position of the agent.
  • seen_position: The position of the agent that the agent saw.
  • heard_position: The position of the agent that the agent heard.
  • velocity: The velocity of the agent.
  • seen_velocity: The velocity of the agent that the agent saw.
  • pos_count: The number of cycles that passed since the agent's position was updated.
  • seen_pos_count: The number of cycles that passed since the agent's seen position was updated. TODO ?!(Correct?)
  • heard_pos_count: The number of cycles that passed since the agent's heard position was updated. TODO ?!(Correct?)
  • vel_count: The number of cycles that passed since the agent's velocity was updated.
  • seen_vel_count: The number of cycles that passed since the agent's seen velocity was updated. TODO ?!(Correct?)
  • ghost_count: TODO ?!
  • id: TODO?!
  • side: The side of the agent. The value can be LEFT, RIGHT, or ```UNKNOWN``.
  • uniform_number: The uniform number of the agent.
  • uniform_number_count: The number of cycles that passed since the agent's uniform number was updated.
  • is_goalie: Indicates whether the agent is the goalie of the team.
  • body_direction: The direction of the agent's body.
  • body_direction_count: The number of cycles that passed since the agent's body direction was updated.
  • face_direction: The direction of the agent's face. This value is the direction that the agent is looking at and it is global, not relative to the player's body.
  • face_direction_count: The number of cycles that passed since the agent's face direction was updated.
  • point_to_direction: The direction that the agent is pointing to. Check the PointToDirection section for more information.
  • point_to_direction_count: The number of cycles that passed since the agent's point to direction was updated.
  • is_kicking: Indicates whether the agent is kicking the ball.
  • dist_from_ball: The distance of the agent from the ball.
  • angle_from_ball: The angle of the agent from the ball. This value is relative to the agent's body. (TODO CHECK)
  • ball_reach_steps: The number of cycles that the agent can reach the ball.
  • is_tackling: Indicates whether the agent is tackling.
  • relative_neck_direction: The direction of the agent's neck relative to the agent's body. It's the value of the face direction relative to the body direction.
  • stamina: The stamina of the agent.
  • is_kickable: Indicates whether the agent can kick the ball.
  • catch_probability: The probability of the agent to catch the ball. Catching the ball is for the goalie.
  • tackle_probability: The probability of the agent to tackle the opponent. (TODO CHECK)
  • foul_probability: The probability of the agent to foul the opponent while tackling. (TODO CHECK)
  • view_width: The width of the agent's view. This value can be NARROW, NORMAL, or ```WIDE``.
  • type_id: The player type id of the agent. This value is explained in the PlayerType section.
  • kick_rate: The rate of the agent to kick the ball. This value is calculated based on the player type and the position of the ball relative to the agent's position and body.


The Player type contains the following information:

  • position: The position of the player.
  • seen_position: The position of the player that the agent saw.
  • heard_position: The position of the player that the agent heard.
  • velocity: The velocity of the player.
  • seen_velocity: The velocity of the player that the agent saw.
  • pos_count: The number of cycles that passed since the player's position was updated.
  • seen_pos_count: The number of cycles that passed since the player's seen position was updated. TODO ?!(Correct?)
  • heard_pos_count: The number of cycles that passed since the player's heard position was updated. TODO ?!(Correct?)
  • vel_count: The number of cycles that passed since the player's velocity was updated.
  • seen_vel_count: The number of cycles that passed since the player's seen velocity was updated. TODO ?!(Correct?)
  • ghost_count: TODO ?!
  • dist_from_self: The distance of the player from the agent.
  • angle_from_self: The angle of the player from the agent. This value is relative to the agent's body. (TODO CHECK)
  • id: TODO?!
  • side: The side of the player. The value can be LEFT, RIGHT, or ```UNKNOWN``.
  • uniform_number: The uniform number of the player.
  • uniform_number_count: The number of cycles that passed since the player's uniform number was updated.
  • is_goalie: Indicates whether the player is the goalie of the team.
  • body_direction: The direction of the player's body.
  • body_direction_count: The number of cycles that passed since the player's body direction was updated.
  • face_direction: The direction of the player's face. This value is the direction that the player is looking at and it is global, not relative to the player's body.
  • face_direction_count: The number of cycles that passed since the player's face direction was updated.
  • point_to_direction: The direction that the player is pointing to. Check the PointToDirection section for more information.
  • point_to_direction_count: The number of cycles that passed since the player's point to direction was updated.
  • is_kicking: Indicates whether the player is kicking the ball.
  • dist_from_ball: The distance of the player from the ball.
  • angle_from_ball: The angle of the player from the ball. This value is relative to the player's body. (TODO CHECK)
  • ball_reach_steps: The number of cycles that the player can reach the ball.
  • is_tackling: Indicates whether the player is tackling.
  • type_id: The player type id of the player. This value is explained in the PlayerType section.


The GameModeType is an enum that contains the following values:

  • BeforeKickOff: The game mode that the game is before the kick-off.
  • TimeOver: The game mode that the time is over. (TODO CHECK)
  • PlayOn: The game mode that the game is playing.
  • KickOff_: The game mode that the game is in the kick-off mode.
  • KickIn_: The game mode that the game is in the kick-in mode.
  • FreeKick_: The game mode that the game is in the free-kick mode.
  • CornerKick_: The game mode that the game is in the corner-kick mode.
  • GoalKick_: The game mode that the game is in the goal-kick mode. (TODO CHECK?)
  • AfterGoal_: The game mode that the game is after the goal.
  • OffSide_: The game mode that the game is in the offside mode.
  • PenaltyKick_: The game mode that the game is in the penalty-kick mode.
  • FirstHalfOver: The game mode that the first half is over.
  • Pause: The game mode that the game is paused. (TODO CHECK)
  • Human: The game mode that the game is in the human mode. (TODO CHECK)
  • FoulCharge_: The game mode that the game is in the foul-charge mode.
  • FoulPush_ TODO
  • FoulMultipleAttacker_
  • FoulBallOut_
  • BackPass_
  • FreeKickFault_
  • CatchFault_
  • IndFreeKick_
  • PenaltySetup_
  • PenaltyReady_
  • PenaltyTaken_
  • PenaltyMiss_
  • PenaltyScore_
  • IllegalDefense_
  • PenaltyOnfield_
  • PenaltyFoul_
  • GoalieCatch_
  • ExtendHalf

Agent Actions

After receiving the State message, the agent should send a list of actions to the base so the base can execute them and send them to the RCSSServer. The PlayerActions message contains a list of Action.

This list should only contains one Body Action and several other actions. By Body Action, we mean the actions that are related to the agent's body, such as Dash, Turn, Kick, Tackle, Catch, and Move. The agent can only do these actions once in a cycle. The other actions, such as TurnNeck, ChangeView, Say, PointTo, and AttentionTo can be done multiple times in a cycle. The agent can only do each type of action once in a cycle. For example, the agent can only do one Dash action in a cycle, while it can ChangeView, Say, and TurnNeck in that cycle. Note that the agent cannot do the second type actions more than once in a cycle.

In addition to that, the agent can send the some debug actions to the base. These actions are Log and DebugClient. These actions are useful when you are using the soccerwindow2 as the monitor. These actions are for the debug tools of this application.

Action Levels

Helios-base and the Proxy base has two different level of actions which are Low-Level Actions and High-Level Actions.

  • Low-Level Actions: These actions are the ones that RCSSServer will receive them from the agents to apply them on the players. These actions are the actions that are related to the agent's situation and needs many calculations to do a simple task, such as moving to a point or kicking the ball to a certain target.
  • High-Level Actions: These actions are developed in the helios-base and also the Proxy base supports them. These actions are very simple to use and let the developer consentrate on the strategy and the decision making of the agent. For instance, the agent can send a Body_GoToPoint action to the base and the base will calculate the best way to move the agent to the target point. Body_GoToPoint is a high-level action that finds the most optimized way of turning and dashing for the agent to reach the target point.

in the folliwng sections, we will explain both type of the actions that the agent can send to the base.

Low-Level Actions


This action gets two parameters:

  • power (float): The power of the dash. The value can be between ServerParam.max_power and ServerParam.min_param.
  • relative_direction (float): The direction of the dash which is relative to the body of the agent. The value can be between -180 and 180.

The dash action is most effective with the angles of 0 and 180 (back dash), and in the other directions it will reduced based on the angle.

The maximum speed of the player is dependent on the agent's player_type.


This action gets one parameter:

  • relative_direction (float): The direction of the turn which is relative to the body of the agent. The value can be between -180 and 180. Note that maximum value for the turn is related to the agent's speed, and player_type.


This action gets two parameters:

  • power (float): The power of the kick. The value can be between ServerParam.max_power and ServerParam.min_param.
  • relative_direction (float): The direction of the kick which is relative to the body of the agent. The value can be between -180 and 180.

The speed of the ball after the kick action is calculated based on the relative position of the ball and the agent and also it is related to the kick_rate of the agent which is in player_type.


This action gets two parameter:

  • power_or_dir (float): (TODO CHECK)
  • foul (float): (TODO CHECK)


This action gets no parameter, and only the goalie can use this action. If the ball is within the catchable area of the agent, the agent catchs the ball with some probabilty. The probability of catching the ball and the catchable area is related to the agent's player_type.


This action gets two parameters:

  • x (float): The x position of the target point.
  • y (float): The y position of the target point.

This actions is only used in the BeforeKickOff mode. The agent can move to the target point with the Move action.


This action gets one parameter:

  • moment (float): The current angle of the agent's neck will be added to this value. The value can be between ServerParam.max_neck_moment and ServerParam.min_neck_moment.

The maximum and the minimum agent's neck angle are ServerParam.max_neck_angle and ServerParam.min_neck_angle.

The neck angle is the angle of the view area of the agent.


This action gets one parameter:

  • width (ViewWidth): The width of the agent's view. The value can be NARROW, NORMAL, or WIDE.

The NARROW view is 60 degrees, the NORMAL view is 120 degrees, and the WIDE view is 180 degrees. Also with the NARROW view, the agent can see each cycle; however, with the NORMAL view, the agent can see every two cycles, and with the WIDE view, the agent can see every three cycles.


This action gets two parameter:

  • x (float): The x position of the target point.
  • y (float): The y position of the target point.

This action is used to point to a target point. Other players can see the direction of the point. This helps the team for more communications.

This action has timeout which the agent has to wait for the timeout to finish before sending another PointTo action.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to remove the pointing of the agent.


This action gets two parameter:

  • side (Side): The side of the player that the agent wants to pay attention to. The value can be LEFT, RIGHT.
  • uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the player that the agent wants to pay attention to.

This action is used to pay attention to a player which the agent hears the messages that the player says. A player can attention to maximum of ServerParam.player_hear_max players.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to remove the attention of the agent.

high-Level Actions


This action gets three parameter:

  • target_point (Vector2D): The target point that the agent wants to move to.
  • distance_threshold (float): The distance threshold that the agent should reach to the target point.
  • max_dash_power (float): The maximum dash power that the agent can use to move to the target point.

This action is used to move the agent to the target point. The agent will calculate the best way to move to the target point and will send the Dash and Turn actions to the base.

Since the position of the agent that is calculated based on the agent's observation is noisy, the distance_threshold is used to check if the agent is close enough to the target point. If the agent is close enough to the target point, the agent will stop moving. If the distance_threshold is 0, the agent will Dash and Turn around the target_point and it never stops. This might cause the stamina of the agent to be reduced quickly.


This action gets four parameter:

  • target_point (Vector2D): The target point that the agent wants to kick the ball to.
  • first_speed (float): The first speed that the agent wants to kick the ball with.
  • first_speed_threshold (float): The threshold of the first speed must be at least.
  • max_steps (int): The maximum number of steps that the agent can kick the ball. (Maximum is 3)

This action is used to kick the ball to the target point. The agent will calculate the best way to kick the ball to the target point and will send the Kick action to the base.

The first_speed is the speed that this action will try to reach; however, the agent trys to kick the ball with the maximum speed that the agent can kick the ball. The first_speed_threshold is the minimum speed that the agent should kick the ball with. If the agent cannot kick the ball with the first_speed_threshold, the agent will not kick the ball.

The max_steps is the maximum number of steps that the agent can kick the ball. The agent will try to kick the ball with the minimum number of steps. As the first_speed more stpes will be used to kick the ball. The maximum number of steps is 3.

The maximum speed of the ball is ServerParam.ball_speed_max which is almost 3.


This action gets one parameter:

  • point (Vector2D): The target point that the agent wants to move to.

This action is used for the agent to move to the target point in the BeforeKickOff mode.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to change the neck direction of the agent to the ball. If it is not possible to see the ball, the agent will turn to the ball.

If the agent's position is not valid, the agent scans the field to find position of itself and the ball by turning around itself.


This action gets one parameter:

  • point (Vector2D): The target point that the agent wants to move to.

This action is used to change the neck direction of the agent to the target point. If it is not possible to see the target point, the agent will turn to the target point. If the agent's position is not valid, the agent scans the field to find position of itself by turning around itself.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to scan the field by turning around itself.


This action gets three parameter:

  • target_point (Vector2D): The target point that the agent wants to move to.
  • distance_threshold (float): The distance threshold that the agent should reach to the target point.
  • max_dash_power (float): The maximum dash power that the agent can use to move to the target point.

This action is as same as the Body_GoToPoint action; however, the agent will also change the neck direction to the ball.


This action gets one parameter:

  • angel_buf (float): The buffer of the angle that the agent should turn its neck to the ball.

This action is as same as the Bhv_BodyNeckToBall action; however, the agent will not turn if the it can look at around the ball with the angel_buf angle.


This action gets two parameter:

  • point (Vector2D): The target point that the agent wants to move to.
  • angel_buf (float): The buffer of the angle that the agent should turn its neck to the target point.

This action is as same as the Bhv_BodyNeckToPoint action; however, the agent will not turn if the it can look at around the target point with the angel_buf angle.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to scan the field by turning around itself. This action is mostly used when the agent's position is not valid or the agent has no idea where the ball is.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to kick and move the ball to the forward direction (toward opponent's goal).


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to clear the ball to escapre from dangerous situation.


This action gets 5 parameters:

  • target_point (Vector2D): The target point that the agent wants to move to with the ball.
  • distance_threshold (float): The distance threshold that the agent should reach to the target point.
  • dash_power (float): The maximum dash power that the agent can use to move to the target point.
  • dash_count (int): The number of the dash that the agent should use after kicking the ball.
  • dodge (bool): Indicates whether the agent should avoid the opponents.


This action gets 2 parameters:

  • target_point (Vector2D): The target point that the agent wants to move to.
  • dash_power (float): The maximum dash power that the agent can use to move to the target point.

This action is as same as the Body_GoToPoint action; however, the agent will also avoid all players and the ball.


This action gets 3 parameters:

  • do_turn (bool): Indicates whether the agent can turn around itself. (defalue value is false)
  • turn_to_target_point (Vector2D): The target point that the agent should to turn to. (default value is (0, 0))
  • kick_target_point (Vector2D): The target point that the agent should kick the ball to. (default value is Vector2D.INVALIDATED)

This action is used to hold the ball and avoid the opponents. The agent will turn to the target point and kick the ball to the target point.


This action gets 2 parameters:

  • save_recovery (bool): Indicates whether the agent should save the recovery. (default value is true)
  • face_point (Vector2D): The target point that the agent should face (neck angle) to. (default value is Vector2D.INVALIDATED)

This action is used to intercept the ball. This action uses the intercept_table of the agent to find the fastest way to intercept the ball.


This action gets 3 parameters:

  • target_point (Vector2D): The target point that the agent wants to kick the ball to.
  • first_speed (float): The first speed that the agent wants to kick the ball with.
  • force_mode (bool): Indicates whether the agent should use the force mode. (default value is false)

This action is used to kick the ball to the target point with the first_speed. The agent will kick the ball with the maximum speed that the agent can kick the ball if the force_mode is enabled and the ball cannot reach the first_speed in the current situation.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to stop the ball.


This action gets one parameter:

  • save_recovery (bool): Indicates whether the agent should save the recovery.

This action is used to stop the agent from moving.




This action gets one parameter:

  • angle (float): The angle that the agent should turn to. Note that the angle is global, not relative to the agent's body.

This action is used to turn the agent to the angle.


This action gets one parameter:

  • cycle (int): The number of cycles that the agent should turn to the ball.

This action is used to turn the agent to the ball.


This action gets two parameter:

  • point (Vector2D): The target point that the agent wants to turn to.
  • cycle (int): The number of cycles that the agent should turn to the target point.

This action is used to turn the agent to the target point.


This action gets one parameters:

  • target_point (Vector2D): The point that the agent should focus.

This action is used to focus on the target point. If the target_point is not in the vision area, this action finds the closest point in the vision area to focus. Also, the target_point should not be farther than the ServerParam.focus_area_lenght (TODO CHECK) from the agent.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to set the focus point on the agent itself.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to scan the field evenly by turning the neck.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to scan the players by turning the neck.


This actino gets 3 parameters:

  • side (Side): The side of the player that the agent should turn its neck to.
  • uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the player that the agent should turn its neck to.
  • count_threshold (int): If player's posCount is smaller than this value, agent simply turns neck to the ball.

This action is used to turn the agent's neck to the player. If the target player's pos_count was smaller than the count_threshold or the player was ghost, the agent will turn its neck to the ball.


This action gets one parameter:

  • count_threshold (int): If ball's posCount is smaller than this value, agent simply turns neck to the ball. otherwise it scans the field.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to turn the agent's neck to the ball.


This action gets one parameter:

  • count_threshold (int): If goalie's posCount is smaller than this value, agent simply turns neck to the goalie. otherwise it scans the field.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to turn the agent's neck to the teammate that has the lowest confidence or highest pos_count.


this actino gets 3 parameters:

  • side (Side): The side of the player that the agent should turn its neck to.
  • uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the player that the agent should turn its neck to.
  • count_threshold (int): If player's posCount is smaller than this value, agent scans the field.


This action gets one parameter:

  • target_point (Vector2D): The target point that the agent should turn its neck to.


This action gets one parameter:

  • angle (float): The angle that the agent should turn its neck to. The angle is relative to the agent's body.


This action gets one parameter:

  • width (ViewWidth): The width of the agent's view. The value can be NARROW, NORMAL, or WIDE.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to set the agent's view width to the NORMAL width.




This action gets no parameter. This action is used to set the agent's view width to the WIDE width.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to let the agent to act as a goalie in the helios-base.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to let the agent to move as a goalie in the helios-base.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to let the agent to kick the ball as a goalie in the helios-base.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to let the agent to shoot the ball in the helios-base.


This action gets 9 parameter:

  • direct_pass (bool): Indicates whether the agent generates directs pass in the chain action.
  • lead_pass (bool): Indicates whether the agent generates lead pass in the chain action.
  • through_pass (bool): Indicates whether the agent generates through pass in the chain action.
  • short_dribble (bool): Indicates whether the agent generates short dribble in the chain action.
  • long_dribble (bool): Indicates whether the agent generates long dribble in the chain action.
  • cross (bool): Indicates whether the agent generates cross in the chain action.
  • simple_pass (bool): Indicates whether the agent generates simple pass in the chain action.
  • simple_dribble (bool): Indicates whether the agent generates simple dribble in the chain action.
  • simple_shoot (bool): Indicates whether the agent generates simple shoot in the chain action.



This action gets no parameter. This action is used to let the agent to act as an offensive player in the helios-base.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to let the agent to move as a player in the helios-base.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to let the agent act in other game modes (not PLAY_ON) as a player in the helios-base.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to let the agent to act in the penalty kick mode as a player in the helios-base.


This action gets no parameter. This action is used to let the agent to communicate with the other players as a player in the helios-base. By communication it means that the agent says messages to the other players and attention to the other players.


The agents can say 10 charechters in each cycle, and any other agent that attention to the agent can hear the message in the next cycle. Helios-base use an encoding system that can encode encode different valuable information in this limited space, such as saying the position of 3 players in only one cycle. The proxy base also support this feature.

In this system, each say message class two properties:

  • header: each message starts with a charecter which receiver can understand the message type.
  • length: the length of the message.

Encoded messages' length are usually less than 10 charechters which enables the agent to say more than one message in a cycle.

In the following secions, we will explain the encoding system of the helios-base.


This message receives 2 arguments:

  • ball_position (Vector2D): The position of the ball.
  • ball_velocity (Vector2D): The velocity of the ball.

The header of this message is b, and the lenth of the message is 6.

Note that this message will be parsed by other at next cycle, so the agent should say this message in the cycle that the ball position and velocity is updated.


This message receives 4 arguments:

  • receiver_uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the receiver.
  • receiver_point (Vector2D): The point that the ball is passed to.
  • ball_position (Vector2D): The position of the ball.
  • ball_velocity (Vector2D): The velocity of the ball.

The header of this message is p, and the lenth of the message is 10.

Note that this message will be parsed by other at next cycle, so the agent should say this message in the cycle that the ball position and velocity is updated.


This message receives 3 arguments:

  • our (bool): Indicates the side of the player.
  • uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the player.
  • cycle (int): The number of cycles that is required for the player to intercept the ball.

The header of this message is i, and the lenth of the message is 3.

This message is used to say intercept information to other teammates.


This message receives 3 arguments:

  • goalie_uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the goalie.
  • goalie_position (Vector2D): The position of the goalie.
  • goalie_body_direction (float): The direction of the goalie's body.

The header of this message is g, and the lenth of the message is 5.

Note that uniform_number is in range [1-22], the numbers less than or equal to 11 are our teammates and others are for the opponents.


This message receives 5 arguments:

  • goalie_uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the goalie.
  • goalie_position (Vector2D): The position of the goalie.
  • goalie_body_direction (float): The direction of the goalie's body.
  • player_uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the player.
  • player_position (Vector2D): The position of the player.

The header of this message is e, and the lenth of the message is 8.

Note that uniform_number is in range [1-22], the numbers less than or equal to 11 are our teammates and others are for the opponents.


This message receives 1 arguments:

  • offside_line_x (float): The x position of the offside line.

The header of this message is o, and the lenth of the message is 2.


This message receives 1 arguments:

  • defense_line_x (float): The x position of the defense line.

The header of this message is d, and the lenth of the message is 2.


This message receives no arguments. The header of this message is w, and the lenth of the message is 1.

This message is used for the set-play mode when the agent's stamina is low. It will request wait so they can recover their stamina.


This message receives 1 arguments:

  • wait_steps (int): The number of steps that the agent should wait.

The header of this message is F, and the lenth of the message is 2.


This message receives 1 arguments:

  • target_point (Vector2D): The point that the agent wants to receive the ball.

The header of this message is h, and the lenth of the message is 4.


This message receives 1 arguments:

  • stamina (float): The stamina of the agent.

The header of this message is s, and the lenth of the message is 2.


This message receives 1 arguments:

  • recovery (float): the recovery of the agent.

The header of this message is r, and the lenth of the message is 2.


This message receives 1 arguments:

  • stamina_capacity (float): The stamina capacity of the agent.

The header of this message is c, and the lenth of the message is 2.


This message receives 2 arguments:

  • target_point (Vector2D): The point that the agent wants to dribble to.
  • queue_count (int): The number of cycles that the dribble action takes.

The header of this message is D, and the lenth of the message is 4.


This message receives 4 arguments:

  • ball_position (Vector2D): The position of the ball.
  • ball_velocity (Vector2D): The velocity of the ball.
  • goalie_position (Vector2D): The position of the goalie.
  • goalie_body_direction (float): The direction of the goalie's body.

The header of this message is G, and the lenth of the message is 10.


This message receives 2 arguments:

  • uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the player.
  • player_position (Vector2D): The position of the player.

The header of this message is P, and the lenth of the message is 4.


This message receives 4 arguments:

  • first_uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the first player.
  • first_player_position (Vector2D): The position of the first player.
  • second_uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the second player.
  • second_player_position (Vector2D): The position of the second player.

The header of this message is Q, and the lenth of the message is 7.


This message receives 6 arguments:

  • first_uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the first player.
  • first_player_position (Vector2D): The position of the first player.
  • second_uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the second player.
  • second_player_position (Vector2D): The position of the second player.
  • third_uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the third player.
  • third_player_position (Vector2D): The position of the third player.

The header of this message is R, and the lenth of the message is 10.


This message receives 3 arguments:

  • self_position (Vector2D): The position of the agent.
  • self_body_direction (float): The direction of the agent's body.
  • self_stamina (float): The stamina of the agent.

The header of this message is S, and the lenth of the message is 5.


This message receives 3 arguments:

  • uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the player.
  • player_position (Vector2D): The position of the player.
  • player_body_direction (float): The direction of the player's body.

The header of this message is T, and the lenth of the message is 5.


This message receives 3 arguments:

  • uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the player.
  • player_position (Vector2D): The position of the player.
  • player_body_direction (float): The direction of the player's body.

The header of this message is O, and the lenth of the message is 5.


This message receives 5 arguments:

  • ball_position (Vector2D): The position of the ball.
  • ball_velocity (Vector2D): The velocity of the ball.
  • player_uniform_number (int): The uniform number of the player.
  • player_position (Vector2D): The position of the player.
  • player_body_direction (float): The direction of the player's body.

The header of this message is B, and the lenth of the message is 10.

Note that uniform_number is in range [1-22], the numbers less than or equal to 11 are our teammates and others are for the opponents.

Debug Actions

These actions are only used for debugging the agent's behavior and does not have any effect on the agent's actions and environment state. The Log message has text(AddText) and shape types(AtddPoint, AddLine, etc.). The texts are shown in the soccerwindow2 Debug Message window (or by pressing CTRL + D) and the shapes are shown on the soccerwindow2 field.

The DebugClient message is used to send the debug messages to the soccerwindow2. They appear on the main window of the soccerwindow2 at the top of the field.


The Log message should only contain one of the Log message types. All of the Log messages get a level as an input which indicate the debug level. In the soccerwindow2, you can switch on/off each desired level for better debugging.


This message receives 2 arguments:

  • level (LoggerLevel): The debug level of the message.
  • message (string): The text that the agent wants to log.


This message receives 3 arguments:

  • level (LoggerLevel): The debug level of the message.
  • point (Vector2D): The point that the agent wants to log.
  • color (string): The color of the point.


This message receives 4 arguments:

  • level (LoggerLevel): The debug level of the message.
  • start (Vector2D): The start point of the line.
  • end (Vector2D): The end point of the line.
  • color (string): The color of the line.


This message receives 6 arguments:

  • level (LoggerLevel): The debug level of the message.
  • center (Vector2D): The center of the arc.
  • radius (float): The radius of the arc.
  • start_angle (float): The start angle of the arc.
  • span_angle (float): The span angle of the arc.
  • color (string): The color of the arc.


This message receives 5 arguments:

  • level (LoggerLevel): The debug level of the message.
  • center (Vector2D): The center of the circle.
  • radius (float): The radius of the circle.
  • color (string): The color of the circle.
  • fill (bool): Indicates whether the circle should be filled.


This message receives 6 arguments:

  • level (LoggerLevel): The debug level of the message.
  • point1 (Vector2D): The first point of the triangle.
  • point2 (Vector2D): The second point of the triangle.
  • point3 (Vector2D): The third point of the triangle.
  • color (string): The color of the triangle.
  • fill (bool): Indicates whether the triangle should be filled.


This message receives 7 arguments:

  • level (LoggerLevel): The debug level of the message.
  • left (float): The position x of left side of the rectangle.
  • top (float): The position y of top side of the rectangle.
  • length (float): The length of the rectangle.
  • width (float): The width of the rectangle.
  • color (string): The color of the rectangle.
  • fill (bool): Indicates whether the rectangle should be filled.


This message receives 8 arguments:

  • level (LoggerLevel): The debug level of the message.
  • center (Vector2D): The center of the sector.
  • min_radius (float): The min radius of the sector.
  • max_radius (float): The max radius of the sector.
  • start_angle (float): The start angle of the sector.
  • span_angle (float): The span angle of the sector.
  • color (string): The color of the sector.
  • fill (bool): Indicates whether the sector should be filled.


This message receives 4 arguments:

  • level (LoggerLevel): The debug level of the message.
  • position (Vector2D): The position of the message.
  • message (string): The text of the message.
  • color (string): The color of the message.

This message is used to add a text to the field.


This enum contains the debug levels that the agent can use to log the debug messages.

  • None
  • KICK
  • HOLD
  • PASS
  • MARK
  • ROLE
  • TEAM
  • PLAN


This message receives 1 arguments:

  • message (string): The text that the agent wants to log.



